Monday, August 10, 2009

Muggy Monday

Wow is it humid today. I just got back from my evening walk and it is really muggy. The air is thick. So here I am, in the cool house surfing the web and I stumbled across a site/blog that I really like Check it out. There is a lot of useful "stuff" on this site. I found one article on 100 things to do on a weekend without spending money...there were some neat ideas, some most of us already do but some things you wouldn't think of either. Below is quick shot of our patio. We were able to put it together last weekend. Its not huge but it really cleaned up the front of the house...the gardens were becoming really overgrown so the roses were moved out back of house earlier this summer. I'm happy with the result but now we need to go patio furniture shopping! I'd like to get a couple of rockers so we can watch the cars go by like the Gramma and Grampa we are :)

1 comment:

  1. It looks great! You'll have to take another shoot to included your home so i can see it as a whole.
    Glad to see ya back in bloggie world.
