Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Flume Gorge - Franconia State Park

The Flume Gorge - Franconia State Park

Yesterday I had the opportunity to take a half day off from work and do a little playing. I was fortunate in that Elizabeth had stayed home from summer school so I grabbed her and off to the mountains we went. She's becoming quite the little hiking companion...she does as well as most adults. We ended up going over to Franconia Notch and hiking the Flume Gorge. What an amazing sight. I had read online that it was particularly beautiful this year due to all the rains we had received and the information was correct. Elizabeth was even in aw. Unfortunately I didn't realize this opportunity would present itself when I left for work in the morning so I didn't have my camera with me, hence the link to the Flume's webpage(click on the second title line). The photos really don't do it justice. It is a sight to see. I'm thankful for the day with my niece and I treasure my memories of the day together.

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